main page > 2005 > 2005 10 01 Vercors Climbing

2005 10 01 Vercors Climbing

Slideshow: Fancy MySimple
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So, taking advantage on another break in the weather (who knows how long it is going to last), Michel proposed an outing to an area in the Vercors, a point/aiguille that looks very nice. This time the climbing would be more "escalade pure" rather than "course de rocher pure", we continue the introduction to multi-pitch climbing...

The climbing was very nice, although the first pitch was "5a", but I have seen easier 5a than that... or maybe is that I am getting a little rusty with time. I think that fact that it was vertical contributed to the difficulty (I have been spoiled by non-vertical climbing recently). We climbed the first two pitches, at which point the rain looked imminent and someone took a little fall (we are going to exagerate the distance to make it seem wilder), someone took a 200cm whipper! (lol) and was like Elvis Presley, "I am all shook up!", we rapped down and finished the day with some great bouldering (don't tell anyone I did bouldering) Of course, for the under-performance, we can always claim that we were under the influence of the-after-climb wine (which was good, that is the beauty of climbing in france!, and another reason you want to get through the climb)

We'll definately have to go back to finish the climb up.

Photos: H=Hector, A=Alvine


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